
The ENCF, in conjunction with the John Janzen Nature Centre and the City of Edmonton, has placed a high priority on the redevelopment of the Nature Centre into a facility that will provide environmental education and recreation for the citizens of Edmonton. The new developments will satisfy an identified need to provide more exhibits, diversify programming opportunities and improve amenities for visitors to the Centre.

Your contribution will be put to use immediately to assist with one of the following:

Capital Projects – you can learn more about our current priorities and future plans here.

Ongoing operating support.

Donate Online

Use our secure form to make your donation online. You can choose to make a one-time or monthly donation. Payments can be made by credit card, PayPal or gift cards. 

Make your online donation here.

Donate by Mail

Mail your gift (cheques payable to Edmonton Nature Centres Foundation) to:

Edmonton Nature Centres Foundation
PO Box 53075
14035 105 Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T5N 0Z1

 Donation receipts will be provided for gifts of $20 or more.

Looking for other ways to give?

Skip The Depot

Support the ENCF with No Contact Bottle Pick Up!
We want your bottles! Use @SkipTheDepot to start donating your bottles directly to us! You won’t even have to leave the house. Download the app and select Edmonton Nature Centres Foundation upon refund.
Recycle and give back to nature programs and projects!
Sign up for pickups here.

United Way Donations

You can designate your United Way contributions to the Edmonton Nature Centres Foundation. Let your company United Way representative know that you wish to designate your contribution to the ENCF. They will provide you with all of the information that you will need to designate your gift.


 Matching Gifts

Double your gift. Find out if your company has a Matching Gift Program. A Matching Gift is a corporate gift that either equals or exceeds your contribution to the Edmonton Nature Centres Foundation. Ask the human resources department to provide you with the necessary form to fill out and send to us.

Charitable No. 107282915RR0001