
Become a Member!

By becoming a member of the Edmonton Nature Centres Foundation, you will be joining a community of local nature enthusiasts and supporters. You’ll also be helping to support the important contributions that ENCF is making in the Edmonton area!

Who can become an ENCF Member?

Any person residing in Alberta who is at least 18 years of age, and any corporation, partnership, society, association, or club may become a Member by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors , and upon payment of the membership fee, if any.

Members are entitled to:

(a) receive notice of and attend all meetings of the Society;

(b) vote on all matters of business at meetings of the Society, including the election of directors; and

(c) other privileges as described in these bylaws and in related policies which may be approved by the Board.

Members are required to:

(a) support the objects and purposes of the Society;

(b) abide by the bylaws and policies of the Society;

(c) pay membership fees, if any; and

(d) fulfill other responsibilities as described in these bylaws and in related policies which may be approved by the Board.


Click here to join through mail