Trail Walk Maps
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- Trail Walk Maps
The Wild Rose Ramblers, with the support of ENCF, have researched and developed these 40 trail maps for Central and West Edmonton and area. Get out and explore nature in these great areas of our city! Remember to be prepared for the weather as it can change quickly.
Central Edmonton Trail Maps Acknowledgements.
West Edmonton Trail Maps Acknowledgements.
Our custom trail search will help you find the best walk. You can search by region, difficulty, and other trail features.
Help Keep Trails Clean & Beautiful!
Here are 5 simple ways you can help to keep Edmonton area trails clean. Collectively, if we all follow these simple steps we can have a huge impact on the natural beauty around us.
1. Pack food and beverages in reusable containers. Remove food wrappers and dispose of the wrappers at home. This way, you won’t have anything you need to throw away while enjoying the trail.
2. Walk on established trails. Do not create new paths. New paths disrupt the purity and serenity of the area. Keeping to established trails also gives natural areas the chance to heal themselves.
3. Do not mark your name on trees or rocks. Take a photo instead.
4. Be considerate of others. Enhance the outdoor experience with reduced noise. Do make a point to say “hello” to others sharing the trail.
5. Leave the trail cleaner than you found it. Make an effort to pick up existing litter. Not only will this help to keep the trail clean, but studies have shown that others are less likely to litter at a place that appears clean.